Free Job Posting sites in Singapore – Updated 2023
There is an abundance of free job posting websites catered for the Singapore market that employers can use to post jobs. There are no costs associated with publishing a position on these websites, and they reach a lot of potential candidates. However, not all the sites are created equal, and we are doing a run-through of the most popular ones here for your convenience in understanding which one to choose based on your employment needs. Why the most popular, you might ask? Well, hiring is a two-way street – if it’s popular, you would naturally get more candidates’ applications.
Accordingly, we have analysed the major sites with the most traffic, summarised below. However, before you dive into the sites, there are some things that you should know about these job posting sites so that you can make an informed choice. Here are a few essential things: A free job posting site is free for employers to post their jobs and recruit employees and can be used by anyone to browse for jobs posted on it. Being free and famous doesn’t mean you would get candidates you are looking for just by posting on it. It is vital to provide clear, concise information on the job scope and your organisation’s vision and career opportunities to attract the required talents.

Mainstream Free Postings Job Sites
Indeed is a job aggregator (it fetches listings from other sites to populate its job board) and has many jobs listed. Employers can also post jobs directly on Indeed for free and only need to pay to sponsor the posts for greater exposure (you can pick the daily budget that works for you and pay only for people clicking on your post). Indeed is quite commonly used in Singapore (and globally) to find job opportunities. Hence, it is pretty reliable for sourcing candidates, especially if you are willing to pay to increase the listing exposure.
LinkedIn Jobs
LinkedIn, a career-focused social media site, has positioned itself well for hiring purposes. Posting a job is relatively straightforward if you already have a business LinkedIn profile. And they offer you the option to promote your posting, which could give x3 the exposure at additional cost (which you can set a budget for).
JobsDB is also a job aggregator (it fetches listings from other sites to populate its job board) and allows employers to post jobs directly for free. Similar to Indeed, you can sponsor your post to appear in more prominent spots to get better exposure to your posting.
Google Jobs Search
Google doesn’t operate like a regular job board and is primarily a job aggregator – probably the largest due to its search engine prowess. And you might have already known how it works – it shows the jobs based on detecting relevant keywords you search on Google, e.g. searching for ‘Marketing Internships’ will show all related jobs from sites it crawled successfully on. So how do you post a job on Google Job Search for free? Well, you don’t post through Google; you need to post a job on any site that supports the Google Job Schema (e.g. on INTERNSG) – this will be picked up by Google when they crawl the site and included in the Google Jobs search. How do you know which sites support the Google Job Schema? You can check any existing jobs listed on Google Jobs search, and each listing will lead you to the job site itself when you try to ‘Apply’.
MyCareersFuture – Singaporeans and PRs only
MyCareersFuture is a portal that aims to provide Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents with a fast and intelligent job search service to match them with relevant jobs based on their skills and competencies. Workforce Singapore developed the portal in partnership with Government Technology Agency.
All job applications are open to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents only, and it is a great avenue if you are only looking for local talent. In addition, it supports the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), which aims to set clear expectations for companies to consider all jobseekers reasonably for job opportunities.
All job postings are free, but MyCareersFuture requires the Singapore Corppass for employers to post.

Startup, Graduate, Freelance, Internships Focused Free Postings Job Sites
INTERNSG – Internships
INTERNSG has been around for more than a decade and is the most popular (ranked #1 for Singapore Internships on Google) site for internships, graduate, and freelance jobs in Singapore. Posting on INTERNSG is entirely free, and it is exceptionally fast to get started and start receiving your candidates’ profiles (you don’t even need to register an account to post).
Glints – Offshoring
Glints brand itself as an online talent recruitment and career discovery platform. Besides the usual free job board, they also offer paid local recruitment (headhunting) and offshoring (remote hiring) services. – Freelancers
For Freelancer, though it is free to post a project to hire a freelancer, a 3% fee is charged from the client for the transaction paid out to the Freelancer. It is to note that Freelancer who works for you gets charged 10-15% depending on their membership status with
Upwork – Freelancers
Though Upwork is free to post a project to hire freelancers, a 2.75% fee is charged from the client for the transaction paid out to the Freelancer. Upwork charges 20% on the first $500 a freelancer earns from a single client, and this commission is reduced to 10% if the Freelancer has earned more than $500 on the same client, and eventually only 5% of everything that is made more than $10,000 per client.

Other (Free / Paid) Job Sites Worth Mentioning
FastJobs is the online job board arm of the Classifieds Job advertisements for The Straits Times and The New Paper. It is also a value-added service to help reach out to mobile app users for those ads published in the papers. You can pay for ‘FastCoins’ to spend it on posting on their online platform.
JobsStreet is JobsDB’s sister site. JobsStreet (JobsDB and JobsStreet used to be separate but now owned by SEEK) is also a popular job board but is only available under a credits package account.
Jooble is an international job search website. Like Indeed, they aggregate jobs from other websites and list them on their site. They offer paid and free plans to aggregate your listing – however, you would need to provide your job website with a corresponding XML feed for them to capture your listing.
Foundit is formerly known as Monster. It is also a popular international job board site but only offers paid job postings.
Snaphunt is an AI-enabled hiring platform and uses its algorithms to match candidates’ profiles against all their open roles. They have a free plan with limited postings, credits, and upfront or monthly payment plans.
GradSingapore – As the name implies, they focus on Graduate Jobs in Singapore. However, they do not have a free package, and you can view their pricing plans here.

Hiring Through Social Media
Hiring through Social Media offers a different avenue to reach out to casual job seekers (or job hoppers). If you want to maximise your pool of candidates, going through social media would be a good choice.
You can hire through Telegram via the following channels:
For Free: @internsg (post via INTERNSG website)
By Paying (credits system): @sgcareers, @sgtechcareers, @sgquickjobs, @sginternship
For Free: (a free community for Singapore interns, freelancers, entrepreneurs, trainees, part-timers, undergrads, fresh grads and employers).
You can post on Facebook Jobs for free. Honestly, it could be a weird place to find a job, as Facebook is usually associated with personal social life. Many of us would keep from searching for jobs on Facebook (maybe it was for fear of unintentionally divulging the job search to everyone, which is a legitimate concern to most). But for companies hiring, it could be an excellent place to find talent already interested in your organisation’s culture and work environment (potentially following your company’s Facebook page).
This was mentioned above and is a good choice for a company with a LinkedIn page. And they offer you the option to promote your posting, which could give x3 the exposure at additional cost (which you can set a budget for).

Summary Table (For Your Sanity)
Job Site | Alexa Global Rank* | Notes | Focus Type |
Indeed | 68 | Aggregate jobs from other sites as well. | All Jobs |
JobsDB | 5,000+ | Aggregate jobs from other sites as well. | All Jobs |
MyCareersFuture | 15,000+ | Requires the Singapore Corppass for posting. | Local Singaporean and PR Jobs |
INTERNSG | 249,000+ | Ranked #1 for Singapore Internships on Google. | Internships, Graduate and Part-time Jobs | | 287,000+ | Offer paid local recruitment (headhunting) and offshoring (remote hiring) services. | Headhunting, Offshoring | | 193,000+ | 3% fee is charged from the client for the transaction paid out to the Freelancer. | Freelance |
Upwork | 152 | 2.75% fee is charged from the client for the transaction paid out to the Freelancer. | Freelance |
FastJobs | 57,000+ | Not free – credits system for posting. | All Jobs |
JobsStreet | 11,000+ | Not free – credits system for posting. | All Jobs |
Jooble | N/A | Free plan available – requires own job website with XML feed | All Jobs |
Foundit | N/A | Not free – paid job postings available. | All Jobs |
Snaphunt | 27,000+ | Offer free plan with limited postings and credits | Remote Hiring |
GradSingapore | 749,000+ | Not free – pay to post plans. Focused on Graduate Jobs. | Graduate Jobs |
1 | Aggregate jobs from other sites. | All Jobs | |
6 | Post for free, some people may have privacy concerns. | All Jobs | |
50 | Post for free, pay to get more exposure. | All Jobs | |
Telegram | 83 | Mostly like a social media post. | All Jobs |
Discord | 270 | Mostly like a social media post. | All Jobs |