We are set up as a consultancy firm to provide corporate/business consultancy to our clients, of which some of them may be high net worth individuals. For the discerning individuals, our counsel can provide insights to areas of private equities, trusts, LPA and etc. For the SME owners, our tax consultant will provide services of tax preparation/gst reporting for your businesses. We are looking for interns who have an interests in law/business/tax/accountancy/audit/economics/finance. Undergrads in private Universities will be favorably considered
We are opening up our Business Apprenticeship Program for undergrads in SIM/Kaplan or fresh ORD personnel.
Undergrads or those with interests in areas of Private Equity/Investments/Taxation/Accountancy/Law/Corporate Communications may apply. During this internship program, individuals will report to their mentors for assessment
1) Tax Consultancy
Undergrads will be taught on basics of corporate tax and individual tax systems by a tax consultant. Undergrads will then interview SME owners who have indicated interests in the areas of corporate business consultancy. SME Owners may wish to find out more about tax/common business documents/business planning. Undergrads who are keen in tax/accountancy/finance will understudy the tax consultant in the preparation of answers or to conduct research when it comes to sophisticated consulting required
2) Business Consultancy
Undergrads will be taught by lawyers in the areas of common business documents such as the business will, non-circumvention agreement, non-compete and etc. Candidates will be required to interview clients who wanted to consult on specific matters on their businesses requirement. Such consultancy may include the formation of business plans and employee benefits program. Undergrads will then advise on the various tools that our companies/working partner may carry to suit the business needs of the SME owners
3) Private equity and investments
By and large, candidates may come across high net worth individuals who are keen on private equities/establishing an investment trust. Candidates will work hand in hand under the supervisory of the tax consultant and our legal counsel and understand how high net worth individuals use investment tools/private equities/estate planning distribution tools in their wealth management program. This is suitable for undergrads who are keen to pursue a career in the areas of banking and finance going forward
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