CE-Test & Measurement has been providing a one-stop solution for our customer for their test & measurement equipment needs since 1989. Our solution covers, pre-sales demonstration, calibration of equipment, product training and certified courses. Our Calibration Lab, with a team that has over 20 years of experience in metrology, offer various Calibration services that is able to meet the industry standard. We provides certified courses and monthly workshops for equipment by professionals who are expert in their respective fields.
Our marketing team has been tasked to venture into digital media involving, video creation (graphic/ live video/ corporate video), social media as well as E-commence.
Assist Marketing team with applications of graphic design principles to the creation of product brochures, posters, banners, direct mailers, advertisements, online collateral.
Responsible for product photography,
videography and video editing skills
Up to date knowledge current social media trends, design methodologies and emerging trends in design, art, media and technology.
Perform any other duties or responsibilities as assigned
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CE-Test & Measurement (S) Pte Ltd - Designation:
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