An Exotic Travel & Interactive Events Company
1. Focus on Inbound travel
2. Events & Business Retreats
3. Exotic & Unique Itineraries
4. Premier Tours
#Traineeship #SGUTP #Singaporeans #only
Social Media Executive -
Certification- Diploma Required to be submitted to Company. Matured Candidates, that have been working for more than 2 years can also submit your resume. Hiring will be based on resume and company will shortlist accordingly.
Technical Skill 1
1.Participate in travelogue filming of host for needed marketing contents
Expected Outcome 1
Candidate will be equipped and participate in learning about travelogue filming, uploads process and essentials needed for getting traction in social media world. Which will aid candidate in personal and professional world. Unlocking experiential traits of candidate, with support for company. Creation of Company Products to Upload in Social Media
Technical Skill 2
Be equipped with social media marketing techniques and participate in courses to equipped with relevant skillsets
Expected Outcome 2
Candidate will trained and supported in courses relevant towards social media marketing practices and be able to position, ready for the workforce subsequently. An important skillset needed in this world currently
Technical skill 3
Active Participation in filming & editing of products, events clips.
Expected Outcome 3
Through the participation of filming of products and events. Candidate will be interacting with stakeholders of business and people. Eventually, allow candidate to be expose towards more business and opportunities
Technical skill 4
Digital Content Creation and Managing Digital & Social Content Uploads
Expected outcome 4
Candidate will be able to participate in companies adjustment and adapting into social media world. Allow candidiates to be able to seamlessly, merge into the fast pace marketing and consistent digital adverts marketing techniques
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